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January 13, 2011

The Pulpwood Queen is at it again...

Posted by Dana

Pulpwood Queen Penelope Book Character doll!.jpgToday starts the 11th Anniversary Girlfriend Weekend Author Extravaganza put on by Kathy Patrick, The Pulpwood Queen!

This year nearly 70 authors, musicians, and actors will be there to hang out with, talk to, and generally interact with Pulpwood Queens, Timber Guys and book lovers from all over the country.

The weekends events include a dinner theater cooked, served and performed by authors and book club members, assorted author panels and lots of book signings!

Jealous yet?  If you're missing this year, as I am, you can always make plans to go next year.  in the mean time, live vicariously through the The Pulpwood Queen's website - and the blog posts of The Book Club Cheerleader who is in attendance!

Need more Pulpwood Queen?  You're in luck. Kathy Patrick is also doing an online TV show this year called Beauty and the Book (the same as her one and only hair salon/bookstore!).  The show lineup includes author interviews with all your favorites and begins airing January 18th!

-- Dana Barrett, Contributing Editor