Archives - May 2010
In today's post, regular contributor Jamie Layton share her Summer Reading List. Lots of great books to consider for your own list!
This week I've had the overwhelming and exilarating opportunity to be at BookExpo America in New York. This is my first time at the show and let me just say woooo hooo!!! This thing is like book lover's paradise. The only downside is there is so much great stuff going on at the same time and I have yet to figure out how to be 2 (or 3) places at once!
In today's guest post, author Wendy Wax shares her current distraction... the beach. Ah the beach - no matter how much technology we invent - nothing tops a beach chair, a good book, some sun and the sounds of the ocean. I'm with you Wendy!
No matter who you are and what you want to read, there is a book club out there for you. Whether you need support through a tough time, have physical impairments, want to read and review books before they come out or are a House Republican, this month’s Book Club in the News feature has got you covered. And yes, you read that right!
Northwich Guardian: Northwich Library starts reading therapy group
In today's guest post, British author Tom Rob Smith (CHILD 44 and THE SECRET SPEECH) talks about the thinking and overthinking around writing "the second book". And read on for a great quote from Lee Child about advice.
Does your book club read the same author more than once? In other words, let's say you loved Garth Stein's THE ART OF RACING IN THE RAIN. When you see that he has a new release, in this case RAVEN STOLE THE MOON, (which is a re-release but stay with me)..
OR Top 5 Excuses for Not Finishing My Book Club Book
Last month I did a post called Top 5 Places to Read Your Book Club Book. In that post I promised you a follow up with the top 5 worst places to read, so here goes:
#1 - In (or on) a Moving Vehicle (especially if you're driving)... (even at a stoplight)
Today's guest blogger Heather Johnson shares her book clubs' take on THREE CUPS OF TEA and the tea related outing that went with it. Who says you can't combine a serious book with a fun outing?