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January 31, 2011


Posted by Dana
If you're not afraid of controversial topics at your book club, then check out Naseem Rakha's THE CRYNG TREE.  It is the story of a family torn apart by the brutal murder of their teenage son, and the mother's journey to forgive the man who ki
January 28, 2011

Share Your 2010 Picks!

Posted by Dana
In support of Reading Group’s Share Your 2010 Picks campaign, I thought I would share recent picks of our book group along with the next upcoming six titles!
January 27, 2011

Love and Chocolate

Posted by Dana
February is right around the corner, and that means all things love and chocolate.  With that in mind, here are five books with chocolate in the title to consider for book club.  That's right... down with love... chocolate rules.  
January 26, 2011

Discussing BODYWORLD by Dash Shaw

Posted by Dana
In today's guest post, Bonnie Brzozowski, Reference Librarian at the Austin Public Library and our resident graphic novel expert shares her book clubs' experience this month!
January 25, 2011


Posted by Dana
If your book club wants THE hot new title and doesn't mind reading a hardcover, have I got a recommendation for you:  CLARA AND MR.
January 24, 2011

Discussing THE LACUNA

Posted by Dana
Barbara Kingsolver's novel THE LACUNA is the life story of a fictional author, Harrison Shepherd, who came of age in Mexico with with real life historic figures Diego Rivera, Frida Kahlo and Lev and Natalia Trotsky and then moved to America to write during the time of J. Edgar Hoover and the American witch hunt for communists.
January 21, 2011

A Book Club Valentine

Posted by Dana
As American women, we often take our freedom for granted.  Our right to read and write and speak freely are just there and not something we take time to be thankful for.  But this is not the case in many places in the world.  In today's post, regular contributor Denise Neary shares a story of Afghan women who are risking everything to tell their stories and the organization that is helping them do it.
January 20, 2011


Posted by Dana
Earlier this week I went to hang out with a Sci-Fi book club that I am sorta-kinda a member of.  (The group was started by my indy bookstore several years ago, so even though I rarely show up they still include me!)  
January 19, 2011

RGG talks to Brad Meltzer

Posted by Dana
I had a chance to sit down today and chat with Brad Meltzer as he passed through Atlanta on his book tour for THE INNER CIRCLE.
January 18, 2011

Series of the Decade no longer a Trilogy!

Posted by Dana
It looks to be official - the Millenium series we have all been obsessed with WILL have a fourth book.  According the Guardian newspaper in the UK, Stieg Larsson had completed about 200 pages