Reading Group Guide
Discussion Questions
The Shop on Royal Street

1. Why do you think Nola wanted to own the house so much? Do you think there is a truth about being connected to a house?
2. Do you think Beau has a sixth sense, like Melanie (if you are familiar with the Tradd Street series)? Why do you think he is not yet ready to admit it?
3. What do you think of Nola’s future romantic suitors? Did you like one over the other?
4. Jolene is a contrast to Nola in so many ways. How do you think their friendship works the way it does? Do you have someone like a Jolene or Nola in your life?
5. What makes the setting of New Orleans so special to this book? Do you think it could have been set anywhere else in the United States?
6. What do you make of Beau’s grandmother, Mimi? Do you think she has other secrets she is hiding?
7. Are there any characters from the Tradd Street series that you would like to reappear in the new series?
8. What do you think is next in store for Nola? Where do you see the series going?