Reading Group Guide
Discussion Questions
Alphabet Weekends: Love on the Road from A to Z

1. How would you characterize Natalie and Tom’s childhood friendship, and to what extent does it seem like they would make good romantic partners as adults?
2. How do the friendships in Alphabet Weekends (between Lucy and Marianne; Natalie and Rose; and Tom and his work colleagues, Rob and Serena) reveal differing levels of trust, dependence, and affection?
3. How does Natalie’s relationship with her father, Nicholas, compare to her relationship with her mother, Anna, and what are the implications of her feelings as both of her parents confront significant health problems in Alphabet Weekends?
4. “I’m a romantic—what’s wrong with that?” In what ways does Tom challenge Natalie’s idealized vision of romance?
5. Why does Natalie agree to have dinner with her ex-boyfriend, Simon? How fair to Tom is Natalie’s decision to meet up with Simon again?
6. How do to the trips to the Health Farm and to Paris alter the course of Natalie and Tom’s relationship and the depth of their feelings for each other?
7. Why does Nicholas’s stroke enable Anna to overcome her clinical depression?
8. Why might Patrick’s impotence and feelings of inadequacy after losing his job contribute to Lucy’s decision to seek out an extramarital affair with Alec?
9. Of all of the romantic relationships explored in Alphabet Weekends, which seems the strongest and why?
10. How did the plot of Alphabet Weekends enable your appreciation of the unfolding relationship between Natalie and Tom?
Alphabet Weekends: Love on the Road from A to Z
- Publication Date: January 31, 2007
- Paperback: 425 pages
- Publisher: William Morrow Paperbacks
- ISBN-10: 0061122181
- ISBN-13: 9780061122187