Reading Group Guide
Discussion Questions
The Courteous Cad: Miss Pickworth, Book Three

1. Prudence Watson was waiting to hear God’s call. When she received her mission to save the mill children, how did God speak to her? Has He spoken to you? In what ways?
2. Mary chastises Prudence about her crusade, saying, “You would do better to marry a rich man and redeem the world by bringing up moral, godly, well-behaved children.” Can this kind of work be a valid call from God?
3. Mary and Sarah waver wildly in their advice to Prudence about William Sherbourne. Why do they want her to pursue and marry him? Why do they urge her never to marry such a man?
4. How do you feel about the way Prudence managed her deep love for Mr. Walker? How did she succeed in letting him go --- to a more appropriate woman and a better life?
5. Jealousy rears its ugly head throughout the book. Of whom is Prudence jealous? Who does William fear may take his place in Prudence’s heart? How can a Christian manage feelings of jealousy and suspicion?
6. Prudence and William are quick to act on their physical attraction to each other. How does this affect their relationship as time passes? Might they have handled this better? How?
7. Describe William’s relationship with his brother Randolph. How does each rely on the other?
8. What was Prudence’s view of morality at the beginning of the book? When William speaks of “gray” shades, what does he mean? How do their positions change and shift? How do you view the world?
9. Does God truly love people who make such terrible mistakes as William made? What if these wrong things are not mere mistakes but are outright, intentional sins? Can God forgive them? How does reading Jesus’ discussion with Nicodemus in John 3 affect William and Prudence?