Reading Group Guide
Discussion Questions
The Adultery Club

1. Consider the trio of voices the author uses in the narrative. How would the novel have been different if the story were told from only one character’s point of view?
2. “It’s not that I have a particular moral thing about affairs with married men, though it’s not something I’d shout from the rooftops. But at the end of the day, they’re the ones cheating, not you,” (chapter 2). Discuss Sara, specifically her belief stated here. Do you agree that because she’s not married, she’s not doing anything wrong by having an affair with a man who is?
3. “I’m shocked. I would never have thought–he doesn’t seem the type,” (chapter 2). What did you think of Nicholas? Did you expect he’d be capable of cheating on Malinche? Are there clues or traits about a man that suggest he might cheat?
4. Does Kit’s friendship hurt or help Malinche? Why does Nicholas dislike him so much?
5. Sara asserts, “A man who cheats with you will cheat on you,” (chapter 2). Nicholas muses, “Is there a gene to infidelity, like those for red hair or big feet?” (chapter 13). For a man, is it a foregone conclusion that once he cheats, it’s something he’s destined to do again and again?
6. “I don’t want this. I love my wife. I love my wife,” (chapter 7). Why do you think Nicholas ultimately gives in to Sara?
7. As she witnesses the daughter of a family neighbor hitting on her father, Sara disparages Libby as being a “little tart” and a “homewrecker” (chapter 5). Why is Sara not able to turn such a similar, and harsh, spotlight on herself?
8. “Men give love to get sex…Women give sex to get love. There’s your battle of the sexes right there,” (chapter 11). Is lust purely a man’s domain, while love is a woman’s?
9. “Kit, I kissed another man! And what’s worse, I enjoyed it!” (chapter 12). Countering Malinche’s self-pity, Kit argues that kissing does not constitute adultery; sex is the line to be crossed. What do you think; is one of these acts a bigger betrayal than the other?
10. Discuss Malinche’s renewed relationship with Trace, especially the timing of it. In your opinion, did her actions constitute adultery?
11. What do you think of the ending? Was it a surprise? Did you wish the book ended differently?
12. Answer the question the book’s subtitle poses: “A wife. A husband. A mistress. Whose side will you be on?”
The Adultery Club
- Publication Date: January 29, 2008
- Mass Market Paperback: 400 pages
- Publisher: Bantam Discovery
- ISBN-10: 0553591401
- ISBN-13: 9780553591408