Reading Group Guide
Discussion Questions
Temptation: A Novel

1. What does Kyla's long-term friendship with an unsaved person like Jasmine reveal about how believers should handle close relationships with unbelievers? Also consider: Is it realistic to expect to have an unbeliever as one of our closest friends? Is it advisable to cultivate or maintain relationships with people who do not believe as we do hoping that we may influence them to make a decision for Christ some day? Read 2 Corinthians 6:14-15.
2. Other women envied Kyla because they perceived her to have the perfect life. Kyla longed for an opportunity to define herself beyond the roles of wife and mother. Are feelings of longing like those Kyla confessed to Alexis merely an expression of a Western push to "have it all" or can such longings be divinely planted to inspire believers to accomplish more for the sake of the Kingdom? Read Deuteronomy 5:21; Job 7:2-3; >Proverbs 13:12-19.
3. Given Jefferson's opinion about his wife getting a job, did Kyla's desire for a career denote a lack of sensitivity to her husband? Read 1 Peter 3:1-6.
4. How should Christian women who are able to function as full-time homemakers interpret a sense of longing to do more than be a wife and mother? Read Genesis 3:16.
5. What, if any, warning signs did Kyla ignore concerning Jasmine's intentions toward Jefferson? Read Matthew 10:16. Why do we sometimes ignore warnings that a friend or loved one might betray us? Read Judges 16:6-20. How can we discern such cues to know when they warn of imminent danger? When are we are allowing fear and insecurity to rule? Read 1 John 4:18.
6. Despite her anger and hurt, Kyla knew that she needed to turn to God's Word for an answer. Why was it still difficult for her to forgive Jefferson so that they could move beyond his adultery and the damage done to their marriage? Read Hosea 14:1-2; Colossians 3:12-14.
7. Kyla's discovery of Jefferson's infidelity made her afraid to trust him again. How does Satan use fear to block us from the kind of spiritual progress that Kyla would need to move from hurt to restoration in her marriage. Read 2 Timothy 1:7.
8. Kyla's friends, family and pastor advised her to forgive Jefferson so the healing process could begin. Why is forgiveness such an important factor in the healing and spiritual growth? Read Matthew 6:14-15.
1. Kyla's pastor suggested that Kyla needed to release Jefferson from her own judgment and focus on forgiveness and trust. How does our own tendency to judge block us from being able to forgive? Read Luke 6:37 ; Psalm 32:1.
2. Pastor Ford reminded Kyla that forgiveness is a process that sometimes requires a lifetime of work. How can we keep forgiveness as a priority for healthy relationships and spiritual growth? Read Luke 17:3.
1. Jefferson realized all that he had jeopardized by sleeping with Jasmine. Why do we often fail to recognize the fallacy of our actions until we are faced with the consequences? Read Mark 8:18.
2. How should Jefferson have handled Jasmine once he recognized her blatant manipulations to seduce him and to gain entrance to his home? Read Proverbs 6:25-26; Psalm 26:4. Why are believers sometimes deceived into ignoring the warning bells that go off in our heads, like the warning that Jefferson received? Read 1 Thessalonians 5:22; Proverbs 4:14-16.
3. How could the enemy deceive Jefferson into seeing Jasmine as innocent? Read John 8:44.
4. Jefferson knew that he had received God's forgiveness for his infidelity. How does the assurance of God's forgiveness help us to move forward in repentance and healing? Read Isaiah 43:25; 1 John 1:9; Psalm 103:12.
1. Why do you think Alexis described Jasmine as a snake? Read Psalm 58:3-4.
2. How does Alexis's commitment to the Lord regarding premarital intercourse affirm every believer's obligation to obey God regardless of the consequences? Read Proverbs 16:6; Acts 5:28-29 ; Hebrews 11:25.
3. What kinds of steps should unmarrieds like Alexis and Brian take to help them avoid temptations and compromising situations? Read Matthew 26:41.
1. Brian was renewing his relationship with the Lord. Recall some of Brian's actions and feelings that reveal a lack of spiritual growth. How did his associations with Alexis, Jefferson, and Kyla help to strengthen his walk? Read 1 Thessalonians 5:14; 2 Timothy 2:22; James 5:20.
2. How can Brian's philosophy "If you want the lady, you've got to go along with the lady's rules," help strengthen Christian women to remain virtuous? Read Proverbs 31:10,30.
3. Brian had made plans for Alexis and perhaps thought that he eventually would convince her to have sex with him before marriage. Why do we behave as though our own plans for another person can supersede God's plans for that person? Read Proverbs 16:3,9; Jeremiah 29:11.
1. In what ways did Jasmine set herself up for unhappiness by comparing her life and standard of living to Kyla's? How does focusing on what we do not have create personal unhappiness and make us more vulnerable to temptation? Read Ecclesiastes 5:10.
2. Brian grew stronger through his association with Christian friends. Why do you think Jasmine continued in her same ways despite her exposure to a circle of strong Christian friends? Read Jeremiah 7:24.
3. Jasmine seemed to blame everyone else for her difficulties and made others responsible for her happiness. Why do you think she refused take responsibility for the consequences of her own choices? Read Psalm 81:11-14.
4. Jasmine's web of lies and deception spiraled as she sought her prize; Jefferson. Read Proverbs 11:22. How do people become blinded by lies, deception, twisted logic, and distorted truths as they strive to gain what they desire? Read Psalm 10:2-7; Proverbs 14:8.
Temptation: A Novel
- Publication Date: October 1, 2001
- Paperback: 400 pages
- Publisher: Walk Worthy Press
- ISBN-10: 0446677833
- ISBN-13: 9780446677837