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Critical Praise

"Sally Hemings is an achievement, that rare novel that takes us far beyond mundane levels of reality and fabrication to a new vision of a much-repressed part of our history… Beautifully written. "

———The Washington Star

"An act of great daring… Deeply moving. "

———Chicago Sun—Times

"A totally gripping page-turner…terrific!” --The San Francisco Chronicle “Unforgettable…Extremely affecting and poetic. "

———The New Republic

"Sally Hemings is noble and mysterious-- a female cult object. "

———Mary McCarthy

"Haunting…powerful and touching. "

———Denver Post

"One of the great American stories… vastly enjoyable…We believe in Sally Hemings from the moment we first [meet] her…We believe in her elegant instincts, her well-turned speech, her continuing beauty. "

———New York Times