Reading Group Guide
Discussion Questions
Little Fires Everywhere

1. Shaker Heights is almost another character in the novel. Do you believe that “the best communities are planned”? Why or why not?
2. There are many different kinds of mother-daughter relationships in the novel. Which ones did you find most compelling? Do mothers have a unique ability to spark fires, for good and ill, in us?
3. Which of the Richardson children is most changed by the events of the novel? How do you think this time ultimately changes Lexie’s life? Trip’s? Moody’s? Izzy’s?
4. The debate over the fate of May Ling/Mirabelle is multilayered and heartbreaking. Who do you think should raise her?
5. How is motherhood defined throughout the book? How do choice, opportunity and circumstances impact different characters’ approach to motherhood?
6. Mia’s journey to becoming an artist is almost a beautiful novella of its own. Mia’s art clearly has the power to change lives. What piece of art has shaped your life in an important way?
7. Pearl has led a singular life before arriving in Shaker, but once she meets the Richardsons, she has the chance to become a “normal” teenager. Is that a good thing?
8. What ultimately bothers Elena most about Mia?
9. The novel begins with a great conflagration, but its conclusion is even more devastating. What do you think happens to Elena after the novel ends? To Mia and Pearl? To Izzy? Do you think Izzy ever returns to Shaker and her family? Why or why not?
10. Celeste Ng is noted for her ability to shift between the perspective of different characters in her work. How does that choice shape the reader’s experience of the novel?
11. We see how race and class underline the experiences of all the characters and how they interact with one another. In what ways are attitudes toward race and class different and the same today as in the late 1990s, when the book is set?
12. What does the title mean to you? What about the book’s dedication?
Little Fires Everywhere
- Publication Date: May 7, 2019
- Genres: Fiction
- Paperback: 368 pages
- Publisher: Penguin Books
- ISBN-10: 0735224315
- ISBN-13: 9780735224315