Reading Group Guide
Discussion Questions
Human Capital

1. What do you believe are David’s intentions toward his nephew Ian? Does he think of him as a son, and if so, does David carry expectations of Ian in the same way that Quint does of his son Jamie or Drew of his daughter Shannon?
2. Running throughout the novel is the notion of the characters’ self-awareness (or lack thereof), and the motivations that in some ways fueled by this lack of understanding. Look back through the novel and ask one another, do the characters know what they feel? Did Carrie, for instance, really not know she was falling for her friend John?
3. One of the more subtle details of the novel is that Quint has a brother with Down’s syndrome. How might this influence his personality as an adult?
4. Furthermore, what traits does Quint share with other characters in the book, and what other traits to characters share with one another? While these characters are different in notable and active ways, how do their similarities affect the choices they make?
5. Which characters does Amidon seem particularly critical of? Why are these folk singled out for deeper scrutiny?
6. Emotionally speaking, Carrie seems to take more risks than the other characters in the book, and yet she seems to emerge largely unscathed by the final pages. What are your thoughts about Carrie’s choices through the book? Think of her feelings for her son, her husband, John, even Drew.
7. HUMAN CAPITAL, and the world of Totten Crossing, is littered with material goods, products and objects that signify more than their functions. What products serve as symbols (this is particularly true of gifts)? Is there imagery of products that linger in your thinking on the book, and if so, why do you think those products stand out?
8. How is the suburban world of Totten Crossing defined by automobiles and the roads they travel?
9. Following a confrontation with her son on page 305, Carrie attempts to reassess the achievement-by-way-of-education world around her and her children. Do you agree with this assessment?
10. Both Drew and Carrie engage in illicit activities in order to save their respective families. Are their actions, in this regard, believable? Is this something you believe they would do, or you would do, in order to hold your family together?
11. Why do you believe the author decided to name the novel HUMAN CAPITAL?