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Critical Praise

"If we're fortunate, there are a couple of junctures in our lives when we have the leisure and impetus to reflect on the past and consider our future. Caught in the Act witnesses a mature woman, mostly quit now of career and child-rearing, contemplating how what you do becomes what you are. Her search for meaning proceeds along an idiosyncratic line of inquiry. She has a curious mind, an indefatigable eye for detail and a serious intellect. To see what a mind like that does with semi-retirement, read Caught in the Act."

——Shambhala Sun

"Toinette Lippe writes from a Buddhist perspective but a distinctly amateur one, refreshingly unenlightened, confessing that she has meditated for 40 years without ever really enjoying it. Such faithfulness and disarming honesty characterize the book, which mingles glimpses from the life of a perfection-driven, always-on-time individual with ruminations on her process of thinking and making meaning. The book has understated momentum, because it ably traces a journey of letting go --- of job, of expectations, of previous conceptions, of fixed identities, of a desire to know before doing."

——Publishers Weekly