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Reading Group Guide

Discussion Questions

Captured by Desire

1. Because histories were written mainly by priests, the accounts may be biased when it comes to women and their roles in society. Do you think women of this time were considered powerless chattel? Or do you think independent women like Florie Gilder existed? Why or why not?

2. There were no gender restrictions within the guilds, so sometimes both boys and girls learned their parents’ craft. Florie learns goldsmithing from her stepfather. What skills did your parents teach you? Were any limitations placed on you because of your sex?

3. Florie covers for her stepfather’s drunkenness by letting patrons believe he is still a competent craftsman, while completing his work herself. Is this the right thing to do? Should she have confronted him with his failings instead? Have you ever been faced with having to cover for a co-worker? How did you handle the situation?

4. Lady Mavis Fraser goes to desperate lengths to maintain her place in noble society, which in the Renaissance was often dependent upon producing an heir. Do her motives make her a more sympathetic villain? Can you see a similarity between her predicament and that of King Henry VIII?

5. Florie learns the craft of goldsmithing from her stepfather, but was she born with artistic talent? Do you think such talent is inherent or learned? Do you have artistic talent? If you could take a class to learn or improve an artistic skill, what would it be?

6. At the end of the story, Florie chooses the man she loves over the man who can give her wealth and security. Do you think she makes the right choice, given the economic instability of the times and the power she could wield by claiming her birthright? Does love conquer all? What do you think happens to Florie and Rane over the following 10 years?


7. In this book, Florie Gilder is a goldsmith, and Rane MacAllister is a huntsman. Is it a refreshing change to read about commoners, or would you rather hear about the nobility? Do you find middle-class characters relatable, or do you prefer the escapism of reading about the rich and famous?

8. Rane poaches game in the royal forest to feed the starving peasants. Are you attracted to this Robin Hood type of hero? Do you like heroes who stand up for the underdog, even when they break the law? Have you ever bent or broken the law for the greater good?

9. Do you consider Lord Gilbert Fraser a good guy or a bad guy? Does your opinion of him change in the course of the story? Did you solve the mystery of the pomander before Florie did?

10. Once you learn the secret that Florie’s stepfather has kept, does it change how you feel about him? What could he have done to handle things better?

11. Heroes and heroines are found, not only in the ranks of royals, religious figures, and military men, but in self-sacrificing individuals whose names go unrecorded by history. Rane, though a common huntsman, is definitely a hero by his actions. Who are some of the unsung heroes around you? What deeds of heroism or self-sacrifice--no matter how small --- have you performed?


12. Florie takes sanctuary in a church to avoid being caught by the sheriff for her supposed crime. Do you think this is right? The right to asylum in churches fizzled out in the 16th century. Do you think it should be reinstated? Why or why not?

13. Florie is allowed 40 days of sanctuary in which to consider her options and either prepare for her trial or try to escape. How does this period of “time-out” compare to our modern judicial system?

14. Rane teaches Florie the ancient Viking game of hnefatafl, which they play all night. What are your favorite games? Have you ever been addicted to a game?

15. Do you think you could endure Florie’s 40 days of sanctuary? How would you survive? What would you miss the most?

16. Charity is an overarching theme in this book, whether charity of thought or deed. Can you find some examples of that? Are you charitable? Can you accept charity?

17. Sanctuary is a temporary place of respite from the troubles of the outside world. People can find sanctuary in the bathtub, their garden, a favorite vacation spot, or even inside a book. What’s your favorite place of sanctuary?

Captured by Desire
by Kira Morgan

  • Publication Date: August 1, 2010
  • Mass Market Paperback: 384 pages
  • Publisher: Forever
  • ISBN-10: 0446548189
  • ISBN-13: 9780446548182