Reading Group Guide
Discussion Questions
Blossom Street Brides: A Blossom Street Novel
1. Elisa and Garry married young and are still very happy together. Why do you think Elisa reacts the way she does when her daughter tells her about her pregnancy and marriage? What about Elisa’s reaction to Lauren’s wedding? What does it say about Elisa as a friend?
2. When Rooster accuses Max of not trusting Bethanne, he counters by saying, “I trust Bethanne, the one I don’t trust is Grant.” What do you think about Max’s behavior toward Bethanne and Grant? In what ways is his mistrust of Grant a reflection on his trust in Bethanne?
3. Weigh the pros and cons of Max moving to Seattle versus Bethanne moving to California. Which scenario do you think makes the most sense? Why?
4. Should Rooster have told Lauren about his previous marriage? Why do you think he didn’t? Is her response an overreaction? How do you think you would respond?
5. Grant is using his daughter --- and his soon-to-be-born grandchild --- to get Bethanne back into his life. What are his true motives? Have you ever had interactions with someone like Grant?
6. After the confrontation between Rooster and Todd at the restaurant, Rooster thinks that Lauren is just using him to make Todd jealous. What about Lauren’s behavior could make him think that? Do you think she was fair in the way she ended things with Todd? Why or why not?
7. How could Bethanne better handle the situation with Grant?
8. Max ponders that Annie’s “pride came at a steep price.” What are some other examples in the novel of pride getting the best of someone in this book? What are some times in your life when you, or others you know, have paid a price for pride?
9. Lydia is grateful that her customers are generous people. What are some of your favorite reactions to handmade gifts that you’ve given to others? What gifts have you been particularly grateful to receive?
10. What do you think about Lauren’s father asking to do a background check on Rooster? How do your feelings change knowing what the background check revealed? If your parents asked to do a background check on your spouse or potential spouse, how would you react?
11. Lauren realizes that she must stop listening to other people’s advice and start listening to herself. What are some instances in your life where other people’s advice got in the way of doing what you thought best? What was the result of following their advice? How would these situations have turned out differently if you’d listened to yourself instead?
12. Evelyn tells Lydia, “don’t borrow trouble.” What does she mean by this? Was Lydia right to talk to Evelyn about Casey’s dreams without telling her? How could she have handled the situation differently or better?