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Critical Praise

"Delicate and incandescent . . . [Humphreys's] descriptions bristle with nuance, and scenes are pared down to their bare essence."

——Sarah Coleman, San Francisco Chronicle

"Accomplished . . . Humphreys delves boldly into the tumultuous Victorian era, brining to life an aristocratic couple ravaged by the intensity of their aesthetic obsessions."

——John Freeman, The Washington Post Book World

"Humphreys has an impeccable command of imagery, and her prose finds strengths in its subtlety . . . [A] finely wrought novel."

——Publishers Weekly

"This beautifully written novel edges toward saying something profound about the relationships between art and life, men and women, the powerful and the disempowered."

——The Economist

"Every phrase is succinct, every sentence perfectly balanced . . . So beautifully written, the novel leaves its own lasting image in the mind."

——The Times (London)

"Lushly suspenseful and tender . . . [Afterimage] demands close attention."

——Donna Seaman, Chicago Tribune