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Reading Group Guide

Discussion Questions

Tangerine: Shades of Style

1. Though Jean has no problems giving advice to Lily or other co-workers at Garments of Praise, she has a hard time receiving counsel from them. Do you think this is a trap many friends fall into, especially if one is older the other?

2. Did Jean’s ability to give/receive advice change at all as the book went on? If so, how did receiving input from friends affect her life?

3. Jean lived a long time with a big secret. Why?

4. Do you have a secret from your past or family that people you love don’t know about? If so, what stops you from sharing? Fear or rejection? Pride?

5. Though Nigel has been out of Jean’s life for many years, when he joins the Garments of Praise team, it’s like he’s been there all along. Is this good or bad for the girls at the design house? For Jean?

6. Have you ever gone into a situation that you thought would be temporary only to find that God planned for it to be permanent? Or the other way around? Did you make the right choice? How has your life been changed as a result?

7. When the book opens, we read about a possible dating relationship between Elena and Jay. Did this relationship ever develop? Was Elena’s and Jay’s decision appropriate for them? Did their parents agree? If you have raised children, how did you deal with this time in their lives? If you are a teen, do you agree with how the two young people worked things out?

8. Nigel and Jean had a long, complicated history together. What elements made is complicated? How did they resolve the hard times? Do you have a relationship like this in your life? Have you gone to God and asked him to make it whole? To make you whole? If so, what happened?

9. Each designer at Garments of Praise seems to have their own gift in a certain area. But Jean strayed from her original specialty (men’s clothing). How and why did she find her way back? Have you ever done this? Why? Have you ever had a dream that seemed impossible to reach? What can you do to cultivate this gift so that if God brings an unexpected opportunity you’ll be ready to accept it?

10. Compare and contrast Jean from the beginning of the story to the Jean at the end of the story. Does she change? If so, how? Was the change good or bad? Have you ever had an experience that has changed you?


Tangerine: Shades of Style
by Marilynn Griffith

  • Publication Date: January 1, 2007
  • Paperback: 277 pages
  • Publisher: Revell
  • ISBN-10: 0800730429
  • ISBN-13: 9780800730420