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Reading Group Guide

Discussion Questions

Mysteries of the Life Force: My Apprenticeship with a Chi Kung Master

1. How do you get in touch with the life force in your own life?

2. What experiences have you had that can't be explained by mainstream science?

3. Can people waste their life force? Explain.

4. Do you think that having some expertise in chi kung, yoga or another spiritual discipline leads to wisdom? Do you think these disciplines are a prerequisite to wisdom?

5. Is the life force just like electricity, or is it different from electricity in some way?

6. Does all life have the life force? Does all matter have the life force?

7. In the book Dr. Chow tells the author that their meeting was fated. Do you think certain events in life are fated?

8. How much free will do you think the average person has? In other words, to what extent can we alter our destinies?

9. Is chi the same thing as God? If not, how do they differ?

Mysteries of the Life Force: My Apprenticeship with a Chi Kung Master
by Peter Meech

  • Publication Date: April 3, 2007
  • Paperback: 151 pages
  • Publisher: Sentient Publications
  • ISBN-10: 1591810558
  • ISBN-13: 9781591810551