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Reading Group Guide

Discussion Questions

Everything Beautiful Began After

1. Rebecca, Henry, and George all have different reasons for moving to Athens --- but what are the real reasons these three loners have ended up in this chaotic Mediterranean city?

2. Rebecca and George have both had disappointing relationships with their parents. Ironically, Henry has a normal relationship with his parents, but ends up suffering the most. Do you think there's a reason for this?

3. Do you think early childhood experiences play a part in the kinds of work the characters choose to pursue? Do you think early childhood experiences play a major part in who we end up becoming as adults?

4. The author switches between 1st, 3rd, and the rarely used 2nd person viewpoint in the second half of the book. How did this impact your experience as a reader?

5. How does the prologue tie into the final part (set in Paris) of the book?

6. By the end of the book, do you think the characters have resolved their inner torments? Laid to rest their ghosts?

7. Were you surprised by what happened in the middle of the story?

8. In many ways, this book is about second chances. Do you think life is full of second chances? Can you think of any minor characters in the novel who are given second chances?

9. The emotional success of the characters in the novel seems to depend on how they react to setback and tragedy. Do you think it's true that people are able to love deeply after some devastating experience?

10. Professor Peterson remains a strong but elusive character --- do you think there's a reason for this? Could he be a metaphor for history? Or Knowledge?

11. Why do you think Henry decides not to share the 'journal' with Rebecca's sister? What would you have done?

12. What was your experience of how the author related the experiences of the Rebecca, Henry, and George to the characters of Greek literature?

13. Why do you think Henry took to the skies in the middle of the book? Do you think it's possible to travel and not 'learn anything'?

14. Discuss the quote on page 299 of the novel:

"And you will appreciate tiny things --- and step with the confidence of someone over- joyed to know he is doomed."

Everything Beautiful Began After
by Simon Van Booy

  • Publication Date: July 5, 2011
  • Genres: Fiction
  • Paperback: 416 pages
  • Publisher: Harper Perennial
  • ISBN-10: 0061661481
  • ISBN-13: 9780061661488