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Reading Group Guide

Discussion Questions


1. After Max is born, Anna gives up her painting and devotes herself to caring for and later teaching her child. Adam, the first-born son, initially wants his baby brother returned to the hospital; Ian, the father, is in denial. How does the addition of a chronically ill child into a family reshape family dynamics? Is it possible for Anna and Ian to reconcile the fact that one parent wants to mainstream the child and the other wants to protect him from the outside world? What drives their different desires?

2. What is the nature of Anna's relationship to Hal at the beginning of Awake? What draws her to him? What scares her off?

3. How does the author use the metaphors of light and darkness in the novel to track the internal changes and contradictions of the characters? What about images of inside and outside? Of water? Of skin ?

4. Early in the novel, Hal states that 'no former rules apply" at Camp Luna. What does he mean here? How do the various inversions and reversals of Camp Luna intersect with Anna's own desires and fears?

5. On page 74, Anna asks, "Is it possible to be unhappy for a long time and never know it, or is unhappiness a distorting lens you train back on your life once you're standing in a whole new place?" Discuss this statement.

6. At times Anna and Ian both contemplate the idea of Max's death. How do each of them handle this (see pages 27, 107, 283)? What are the different ways in which the other characters in the novel-Adam, Max, Hal, Alida-deal with real or prospective loss?

7. On page 228, when Max, Alida and Anna are eating tomatoes in the garden, Max gets irritated with his mother and tells her that grown-ups aren't supposed to be "a mess" . Does Max understand what is happening? How is Anna's desire to protect Max altered by her affair with Hal? What do you think the long-term repercussions on the mother/son relationship will be?

8. The writer Robin Hemley observes that "it's tempting, sometimes, to make characters either too good or too evil, to give them, as in old Westerns, black hats or white hats. But most people are neither all good nor all bad, and even the best are capable of small and large betrayals." Talk about how this comment applies to the characters in Awake.

9. Discuss the ending of the novel. How resolved do things feel by the last page? Where do see these people in a year? In ten?

by Elizabeth Graver

  • Publication Date: April 7, 2004
  • Genres: Fiction
  • Hardcover: 304 pages
  • Publisher: Henry Holt and Co.
  • ISBN-10: 0805065393
  • ISBN-13: 9780805065398