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August 2012: How many books do you typically pack for a week-long vacation?
Survey Expired: September 7, 2012
Total Voters: 225

How many books do you typically pack for a week-long vacation?
 28.4% - (64 Votes) 2
 19.5% - (44 Votes) 3
 18.2% - (41 Votes) None, I have an eReader.
 8% - (18 Votes) 4
 7.1% - (16 Votes) 5
 5.3% - (12 Votes) 1
 4.4% - (10 Votes) 6
 3.1% - (7 Votes) 10
 1.7% - (4 Votes) 8
 1.3% - (3 Votes) 7
 1.3% - (3 Votes) None
 0.8% - (2 Votes) More than 10
 0.4% - (1 Votes) None, I buy books on vacation.
0% - (0 Votes) 9