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Poll Results

When you read a book that you think would be perfect for your book group’s discussion, which of the following do you do? Please check all that apply.

Survey expired 09/13/17
Total voters: 484

When you read a book that you think would be perfect for your book group’s discussion, which of the following do you do? Please check all that apply.

 9% (44 votes)I immediately email my book group to let them know about the book.
 54% (261 votes)I make a note and mention it at my next book group meeting.
 62% (301 votes)I save it on a list for when my book group makes its selections.
 5% (22 votes)Our book group has an online page, and I share it there.
 1% (5 votes)I usually forget to share it with other book group members.
 8% (38 votes)Other (Please specify):
  • When it's my turn to pick a book I'd suggest it.
  • I tell the person in charge who keeps the book lists.
  • I bring in the book to discuss or an article to read
  • I'm the facilitator and the group alays wants me to make the choice.
  • I check to see if there are enough copies in the Library - since we are a Library Book Group. If there are, YES!
  • Every month a different member hosts the book club meeting. We usually tell members of our choice a month or more ahead of time
  • i keep my own list for when it is my month to present our next months book.
  • i keep my own list for when it is my month to present our next months book.
  • i keep my own list for when it is my month to present our next months book.
  • I will mention the books as I speak to various members, then mention it at the next group meeting.
  • I notify the coordinator of our Library Book Club as the library supplys the books for our group.
  • I read it to make sure it would be good for discussion before I recommend is to my book group.
  • I remember the title and use it when it is my turn to choose/host.
  • I bring a copy of the book to read from and to pay it around
  • Since my group always leaves it to me to make the selections I just tell them about it to ensure they are interested.
  • Take the book to the next group meeting
  • I email our leader and she sends the information to our members
  • If I plan to use it as my selection, I often tell no one so they don't read it first.
  • I choose it for my selection when it's my turn.
  • We meet monthly, discuss a recent book and lend it to whomever for an indefinite time. I record alltrades.
  • I email the organizer of the book club to tell her about the book.
  • I email the organizer of the book club to tell her about the book.
  • We stay away from reading anything somone else has already read in our club. We choose ones not read. We offer it to members th
  • I don't want my Bookclub selection to be something I've already read so I won't suggest books I have finished
  • When it is my turn to select the book for our monthly reading, I select that particular book
  • I make a note to myself to select it when it's my turn to pick a book
  • We choose our books individually when it's our turn to lead the discussion. I write book titles on my book list.
  • I read it and decide if I want to submit the book.
  • I loan the book to another member of the club.
  • because there are 12 in our group, each member picks one book a year. I keep my own list of possible 'reads'
  • The book club members would prefer not to take part in the selection of the books, therefore I will make a note of the title
  • I choose it as my pck for out group (we alternate) and reread it then
  • We have a monthly facilitator and I run the book club so I will make suggestions to them and usually they take my direction
  • We read books that no one has already read.
  • We read books that no one has already read.
  • I mention it to a few other members who I think would like it first.
  • I text my friend and tell her about it.
  • I chose it for the next read.