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November 17, 2010

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things...

Posted by Dana

So I was sitting around today just thinking about how my book club combines a few of my favorite things:  books... of course, talking... duh, and often wine and girlfriends.  That led me to thoughts of some of my other favorite things and the first thing that popped into my mind was going to the spa.  And then I thought "Hey - I wonder if anyone has combined pedicures with a book club?"  I mean wouldn't that be just divine?  Hands free to gesticulate wildly (and drink aforementioned wine) while toes are being pampered and mouth is running... all in the company of good friends and assorted neighbors.

So I googled.

And guess what?  I found one.  bellacures.gif

Bellacures salon in sunny southern California is launching BellaReads, the Bellacures Book Club and offering mani-pedis while you chat.  They have 3 locations and each location is doing a different book.  How fun.

Seems like this idea could catch on for sure... and if you don't happen to live near Bellacures - you could start one at a salon near you -- or just do it as a one time outing with your girls.  I'm sure a salon would be happy to accomodate you. 

-- Dana Barrett, Contributing Editor