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August 20, 2010

Book Clubs in the News

Posted by Dana

In this month’s round-up we’ve got the aftermath for authors who upset Oprah and some unlikely book clubs in unusual places. James Frey to pen porn series for HBO
If you’re the author that pissed off Oprah and got people using air quotes and raising an eyebrow whenever they said “memoir”, where would you go next?  If you James Frey, it’s to a porn series on HBO.

The Philly Post: Is Jonathan Franzen a Hero or a Hypocrite?
And speaking of authors who upset Oprah… Back with his first book in 9 years, Jonathan Franzen has a new book out and this time he may be more willing to sell it to the masses.  Shocking the industry and upsetting Oprah Book Club fans 9 years ago by saying he didn’t want his book to be an Oprah pick… Franzen seems more willing to hawk his wares this go ‘round.  OK!’s Online Book Club: ‘Eat, Pray, Love’
So they say books are going away – and we know the industry is struggling but there’s got to be some pretty mainstream interest in books if pop culture mag OK! is starting an online book club… and guess what?  They are! Atlanta Falcons’ book club disbands for this season
One unlikely book club starts (OK!) and another one ends.  Alas this story about the Falcons football team not having a book club pick this season, but I was just inspired to know they had one in the past.  I think maybe the reason their book club didn’t stick is they forgot the wine.  Just sayin’.

Got any book club news of your own? We want to hear about it! Feel free to comment here on the blog, or email me at [email protected].

-- Dana Barrett, Contributing Editor