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June 25, 2008

When Not to Keep Reading

Posted by carol
Contributor Esther Bushell offers some food for thought in this post about whether or not you should keep reading a book if it just isn't grabbing you, along with some of the titles on her summer reading list.
June 24, 2008

Catherine O'Flynn: Reading Groups I Have Known

Posted by carol
Today's guest blogger is Catherine O'Flynn, the author of What Was Lost, the story of a young girl's disappearance in Birmingham, England, and how the unsolved mystery still reverberates two decades later. Catherine talks about how she was almost a member of a reading group and reveals the 10 things she has learned from speaking with book clubs about her debut novel.
June 23, 2008

The Art of Racing in the Rain

Posted by carol
I picked up The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein back in March. I read it quickly, and I've been savoring it since then. When I closed it I immediately thought --- this is the perfect book club discussion book. Here, in her own inimitable style, blog contributor Debra Linn shares why this book will work for groups. Reader response to it has been amazing.
June 20, 2008

Book Clubs and Cookbooks

Posted by carol
Looking for a way to spice up your summer book club gatherings? Jamie Layton offers an appetizing alternative to the usual discussion fare...
June 18, 2008

Meg Waite Clayton: The Wednesday Sisters Book Club

Posted by carol
Today, guest blogger Meg Waite Clayton recalls some of her experiences as both an author and a book club member --- and why her reading group shares a name with her new novel, The Wednesday Sisters, which was published yesterday. Meg is also the author of The Language of Light.
June 17, 2008

Masha Hamilton: The Camel Bookmobile

Posted by carol
Today's guest blogger is Masha Hamilton, the author of Staircase of a Thousand Steps, The Distance Between Us and, most recently, The Camel Bookmobile, which centers on a traveling library that delivers books in a remote section of Africa. Fact and fiction merge in the story, and Masha talks about the real-life inspiration for the novel and how book groups in the U.S. have given people in Kenya the gift of the written word.
June 13, 2008

Book and Movie Pairings

Posted by carol
What happens when a movie isn't as discussion-worthy as the book it's based on? Contributor Heather Johnson's group recently found out...
Today Jennifer Hart updates us on an initiative she started several months ago, an online radio show that brings book clubs together with authors...
For all of you who have become faithful readers of this blog, my apologies for the absence of posts last week and yesterday. Between recovering from a six-day trip to LA for Book Expo America and trying to fight the horrific cold/bronchial/laryngitis thing that I picked up somewhere during the past two weeks, the last eight days became more about getting through than being creative. I realize that I actually say the words in my head --- and I think I even verbalize them in my throat --- when I write. Thus last week every time I went to write a column I started coughing.
May 30, 2008

What Books Would You Buy with $100?

Posted by carol
Last month Jamie Layton talked about how her reading group's selections went awry and whether or not she was going to break some book club rules. Here she updates us on the situation. She also comments on novelist Lesley Kagen's recent post and asks a provocative question.