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January 28, 2009

Join Us on Facebook

Posted by carol
We recently added a fan page for on Facebook. You can become fans of the site on Facebook by searching or by clicking here.
January 27, 2009

Bleeding on the Page

Posted by carol
In today's guest blog post, Jamie Ford talks about race and identity, and how he drew on his own experiences and those of his family for his debut novel, Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet.
On Friday Joshua Henkin shared stories about some of his book club visits to discuss his novel Mat
Each month novelist and creative writing professor Joshua Henkin shares behind-the-scenes stories about his visits with book clubs --- in person, over the phone and online --- to discuss his novel Matrimony
January 22, 2009

Today Show Talks with Greg Mortenson

Posted by carol
One of the most talked about books on the blog of late has been Greg Mortenson's Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Promote Peace...One School at a Time. This morning the Today Show talked with Mortenson --- who has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize --- about his memoir and his mission.
January 21, 2009

Meet the Scripteasers and Other Book Clubs

Posted by carol
Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes at other book clubs? Every month on we feature interviews with book clubs and learn things like what makes a group flourish for decades, how new groups come together, what books have provided the most memorable discussions and much, much more.Here we introduce four of these groups, and you can click through to read their interviews.Everything and a Book Club Too
January 19, 2009

Tune in to Good Morning America Tomorrow

Posted by carol
Tomorrow on ABC's Good Morning America, contributor and book club facilitator Esther Bushell is scheduled to appear in a segment titled "Advice to President Obama" (slated to air between 7 and 8 a.m.).
January 15, 2009

Book Clubs in the News

Posted by carol
Occasionally we highlight news articles featuring book clubs across the country. Travel from Texas to Oregon in this month's round-up, which includes a profile of a book club with a very long history and one in which members thrive on their differences. You'll also find plenty of reading suggestions.Atlanta Journal-Constitution: What We're Reading/Book Clubs in Georgia
January 13, 2009

New Year, New Lists

Posted by carol
What titles were book club members talking about in 2008? Now posted on the site are the most-requested discussion guides for 2008 in three categories --- New Favorites, Ongoing Favorites and Enduring Favorites.
January 12, 2009

Reading Aloud: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Posted by carol
It is fitting that I am writing this blog as I watch the Golden Globe Awards since the idea for it came from a movie. Over the holidays we went to see The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, which I just loved. There was something about the story that grabbed me right from the opening. It was clever, and I thought the execution was quite wonderful. There are stories that just strike a chord with me, and this was one of them.