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February 16, 2011

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Announces American Series Editors

Posted by Stephen
      Houghton Mifflin Harcourt announced earlier this week its editori lineup for its annual Best American Series, which celebrates the best writing across eight categories. The series will be released October 4th in paperback format. Below are the guest editors for 2011 and their bios.
February 15, 2011

Allison Pearson: I THINK I LOVE YOU

Posted by Stephen
Still recuperating from another Valentine's Day? Or seeking another romance diversion? Bestselling author Allison Pearson (I Don't Know How She Does It) has you covered with a her favorite crush songs, as inspired by her latest bestseller I Think I Love You, a novel that celebrates love and music.
Cavanaugh Lee is the author of Save as Draft, in stores now, a love story told entirely through e-mails, texts, Twitter, Facebook and the online dating world. When not writing and searching for love herself, she is a prosecutor in Savannah, Georgia. Visit for more.
February 10, 2011

An Interview with Eleanor Brown, Author of THE WEIRD SISTERS

Posted by Stephen
Eleanor Brown is stunning audiences with her debut novel, The Weird Sisters, a quirky coming-of-age tale about three incredibly bookish sisters (who don’t happen to like each other very much) who return home to lick wounds and bury secrets, only to find that each of the others is already there --- and might have more to offer than any of t
February 9, 2011

Heather Gudenkauf on Sisters

Posted by Stephen
Heather Gudenkauf's These Things Hidden, the follow-up to her excellent The Weight of Silence, explores the sometimes complicated relationships of sisters. In this special essay she discusses how her own sisterly bonds influenced her writing. As a bonus, she also shares her favorite sister-themed novels.
February 8, 2011


Posted by Stephen
Today's guest post comes from novelist Heather Newton, author of the Southern drama Under the Mercy Trees. Heather discusses her fascination with ghost stories and her background as an attorney, both of which figure prominently into the book's plot.
At, we have the opportunity to read many great books well in advance of their release dates. Now, with our Sneak Peek Feature/Contest, we are offering our readers the chance to preview select early picks --- and share feedback on them. We know that readers champion books that they love, and we want you to be part of the excitement of upcoming releases as early as possible.
February 3, 2011


Posted by Stephen
Susan Vreeland is the bestselling author of several historical novels about some of the most prestigious works of art in history. Combining heavy research with natural storytelling grace, Vreeland often recreates the worlds of artists and the relationships that inspired them.
With Amaryllis in Blueberry, Christina Meldrum delivers a story that is part coming-of-age and part culture clash. The story follows the Slepy family as they leave the comfy confines of Michigan for missionary work in West Africa.
February 1, 2011

Jessica Anya Blau: Drinking Closer to Home

Posted by Stephen
Jessica Anya Blau is the author of the critically-acclaimed coming-of-age story The Summer of Naked Swim Parties. Her second novel, Drinking Closer to Home was released in January. Visit her website,