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June 22, 2010 for Book Clubs

Posted by Dana

meetuplogo.pngI have known (though somewhat vaguely) about for some time now.  It's a website where people list meetings, right?  Single people use it I think and I guess other people?  Not sure.  I have some friends who have gone to meetups for both personal and professional reasons and found the groups to be great.  But that was all I knew and I just never looked into it beyond that.  Until the other day.

So first let me say that what I thought I knew was true - but is actually way more than that.  It's not only a good way for anyone to find events in their area of ANY KIND, it's also a really great place to organize events and members which makes it GREAT for book clubs.  There is a nominal fee that you pay to be an "organizer", but if you split it among the group it's like a buck or two a month.  Then you can put all your events on the calendar, email all members with the push of a button.  RSVP to a meeting so the person hosting knows how many are coming and much more.  You're group can be public of private which is also really cool for getting new members. 

I started my account on meetup for an existing book club that I lead that needed members.  And bam - just like that, new people have signed up.  You can even set limits as to how many people etc.  I honestly think I have barely scratched the surface of this thing, but I was so excited about it's potential for book clubs that I had to share!

Have you used it yet?  Any great tips?  Let me know at [email protected] or as always, feel free to share your thoughts right here!

-- Dana Barrett, Contributing Editor